Emmons Ranch Beefmaster Females are a vital part of our herd, and maternal strength and quality are visable in all of our Beefmaster donors. Visitors are welcome to stop by the ranch at any time to see our females.

EMS Pistol Annie
Registration Numbers: C1037102 (View Pedigrees and EPDs)
Date of Birth: 1-30-14
Sire: EMS Captain Britches
Dam: Coming soonEMS Buff’s Sugar Pie
Reserve Champion Miss Beefmaster America 2015, one of our young Donors that is headed to the top. There’s a lot of power steering in the bottom side of a pedigree. Without the power of a momma, amazing babies would never be born. Beefmasters is a maternal breed and the proof is right here. We all need to credit the Cow Families that get the job done. In some of Pistol Annie’s first offering, she produced 4 of the top bulls at our 2020 Bull Sale. She not only has the perfect phenotype, she also has performance to go with it: REA 12.36 %IMF 3.93
These are great genetics you want to incorporate in your herd. Pistol Annie is more of what we at ER call “the good stuff”.

EMS Reba
Registration Numbers: C1032180 (View Pedigrees and EPDs)
Date of Birth: June 15, 2016
Sire: EMS Headliner
Dam: EMS Stylish Jezzy
Miss Beefmaster America 2015. This is one awesome female with the phenotype, genetics and maternal traits that will soar your program to the top. Reba possessed a 13.42 REA, with a REA/SWT of 1.62. She is one of our young donors passing on the predictability and consistency of many years experience with this line of cattle. She is a prime example of our motto: “Where good looking cattle perform.” You can have it ALL!

Registration Numbers: C1005186 (View Pedigrees and EPDs)
Date of Birth: April 10, 2011
Dam: C981795
Catchin A Dream is making a large impact in our donor factory here at Emmons Ranch. We currently have 4 of her daughters on our show string. Each one of these females, separately, has been Grand Champion at almost every major show in Texas. She adds extra volume, muscle and eye appeal to her offspring. And now for her performance, she ranks in the top 10% of the breed for CE, BWT and $M, top 20% for SC, top 25% for WWT, top 30% for MWWT and top 5% for MCE.
Where Beauty and Performance meet. What more could you ask for? She is the combination female. A prime example of our motto: “Where good looking cattle perform.” You can have it ALL.

EMS Smooth Georgia
Registration Numbers: C1000244 (View Pedigrees and EPDs)
Date of Birth: September 15, 2010
Sire: EMS Smooth Cavalier
Dam: Queen Staci
2011 Miss Beefmaster America. "Georgia" is one beautiful
female. She is the epitome of a great donor cow--tremendous
volume and muscle, straight top and beautiful extended front
end. Her performance is also at the top with a 11.83 REA and
a 3.26% IMF. Beauty and performance all rolled into one
magnificent female. Watch for her offspring in our 2016
Production Sale.

EMS Stylish Jezzy
Registration Numbers: C957225 (View Pedigrees and EPDs)
Date of Birth: March 1, 2008
Sire: Black Cavalier
Dam: Jezabelle
MISS BEEFMASTER AMERICA 2010! What an awesome female! EMS Stylish Jezzy has all the attributes anyone could ask for--amazing eye appeal, pedigree (own daughter of the legend--Jezabelle), and performance. She was crowned Miss Beefmaster America 2010 and was also the Grand Champion Female at the San Antonio Livestock Show winning the $10,000 scholarship in the same year. Her dam, Jezabelle, one of the breeds legendary matrons, brings tremendous predictability to the table. Her performance data speaks for itself, WW 604, YW 898, REA 12.62, IMF 3.5, REA/SWT 1.42. What more could you ask for?? A prime example of our motto; "Where good looking cattle perform." You can have it ALL!! Watch for her babies.

EMS Amazing Ace
Registration Numbers: C930525 (View Pedigrees and EPDs)
Date of Birth: February 4, 2006
Sire: Ace In The Hole
Dam: EMS Miss Buff
Introducing “Amazing Ace,” high-selling lot at the 2006 Presidents Council Sale, selling for $50,000. She is a complete package: straight lines, extreme muscle, bone & volume, and exhibiting a long, feminine front. Amazing Ace is sired by “Ace in the Hole,” and her dam is “EMS Miss Buff.” Her ADJ 205 wwt was 698 pounds, ratio 109, yearling wt. 945. She is owned jointly with Vaughn Family Farm, Davin & Gail Vaughn. Watch for her future progeny. She is “simply amazing.” The 2008 Miss Beefmaster America, flushmate to EMS Johnny Cash. In her first calf crop, she has produced the 2009 Houston Livestock Show Grand Champion Bull, Red Ryder, now owned by Rex West, the 2010 Houston Livestock Show Grand Champion Bull, Bonfire, and the 2010 National Bull Championships Grand Champion Bull, Bonfire. She has also produced a proven donor, Ace of Hearts, owned by Joe Forshage, and a proven donor Amazing Emma, owned by H.G. Griffin and Jerry Ronquille.

Registration Numbers: C957217 (View Pedigrees and EPDs)
Date of Birth: November 2, 2007
EMS Color Me Sugar was my personal pick out of all our Captain Sugar daughters. I hid her in the back pasture so no one could see her! She was the epitome of a great donor cow—tremendous volume and muscle, straight top and beautiful extended front end. Her performance was also at the top with a 14.5 REA and a 4.0 %IMF. Beauty and performance all rolled into one magnificent female. She is the dam of EMS Ring Of Fire that made a tremendous mark in the herd of Clark Jones. You can only imagine how many tears I cried when we lost her. But she lives on with her mark in so many great individuals.

EMS Body By Smooth
Registration Numbers: C820410 (View Pedigrees and EPDs)
Date of Birth: January 23, 2000
Sire: EMS Smooth Connection
Dam: EMS Jackie
Without question, one of the best cows to ever be on our ranch. She is a true donor in every way. Super smooth, powerful, and correct. She was the Grand Champion Cow Family at the Rose of the South Futurity. One of her sons by CR's Grand Cherokee was Champion Bull at the San Antonio Livestock Show in 2006. She is the dam of the 2009 National Champion Bull and the 2009 Houston Livestock Show Res Grand Champion Bull, EMS Smooth Cavalier.

EMS Miss Buff
Registration Numbers: C638483 (View Pedigrees and EPDs)
Date of Birth: January 10, 1996
Sire: C572026
Dam: C445946
One of our most proven and predictable donors. Tremendous muscle and volume, perfect udder. She is one of a kind. She was the Reserve Champion Cow Family at the Rose of the South Futurity. EMS Miss Buff is the ultimate Beefmaster cow that personifies what is great about the Beefmaster breed. She produced the 2008 National Bull Championships Grand Champion Bull, the 2007 Miss Beefmaster America Res Grand Champion, and the 2008 Miss Beefmaster America.

The Duchess
Registration Numbers: C766785 (View Pedigrees and EPDs)
Date of Birth: October 26, 1997
Sire: Robert E. Lee
Dam: C477381
When thinking of "Royalty", "The Duchess" comes to mind! She is one of the youngest, most eye appealing and powerful Robert E. Lee daughters in the Beefmaster breed. "The Duchess" sold for $22,000, the high selling lot at Ted Cain's. She is 1/2 sister to Lee Adair's legendary cow 6/2, and maternal breeding proved its worth for Clark Jones and Charlie Duncan for years. She is definitely one of a kind! Progeny available.

Miss Sugarbelle
Registration Numbers: C844585 (View Pedigrees and EPDs)
Date of Birth: April 9, 2001
Sire: Cavalier
Dam: Jezabelle
A truly beautiful proven donor by Cavaliar and Jezabelle. Miss Sugarbelle has generations of power on the top and the bottom of her pedigree. She is an own daughter of a legend in the breed--Jezabelle, who is now deceased. Miss Sugarbelle adds power and thickness to her offspring, as well as cleanliness and eye appeal. this family of cattle is predictable and with that comes profit. Build your program around offspring of this proven donor and watch the dollars roll in.

Registration Numbers: C801257 (View Pedigrees and EPDs)
Date of Birth: February 24, 1999
Sire: Red Sugar
Dam: Miss Judy
Jezabelle, a picture of perfection! Jezabelle takes her place with the legendary matrons of the breed. She's gone, there won't be any more. Imagine what she can do for your herd. Her track record speaks for itself. She is a proven herd bull producer. Her daughters and granddaughters have excellent udders and milk. Invest in your Beefmaster future with Jezabelle.
Thank you for your interest in Emmons Ranch Beefmaster Females. Please call us if you have any questions about improving the genetics of your herd with our donors.